
Advocate & Amplify

We know how important it is to share stories, to center voices of those historically excluded and to champion, advocate and amplify the change makers, leaders, entrepreneurs, teachers, social impact activists who are creating impact and building something new.

This is why we have created a space to support, lift up, celebrate, honor and share the mic, opportunities, advocate for and support women and diverse-owned businesses.


Are you in a position of privilege and power and want to pay it forward? Would you be interested in supporting someone else step up and step into spaces and opportunities they haven’t historically had as much access to? Do you like coaching and mentoring others and creating an impact to someone else’s journey? If you said yes to any of this, we would love you to join us in our inaugural Fearless Advocate program.

We are looking for a range of leaders, creatives, business owners and entrepreneurs that have achieved a level of success and experience and are looking to give back/pay it forward. You will need to be able to offer a minimum of one hour a month supporting someone else break through and step forward.

Interested? Sign up below and we will share more details. Program to begin in March 2024.

Business Directory

Discover the diverse and women-owned businesses and entrepreneurs you can follow, support, amplify and connect with.





Do you have a business or fearless figure you think we should feature or celebrate? Let us know below.
